Here are some of First Baptist Church of Redlands' most recently collected needs and opportunities to lend your skills! Take a look and see where you might fit. We'd love to serve alongside you! If you would like more information, please contact us here.

Communion Server

WHEN First Sundays

Members are invited to help the Diaconate as we serve communion during worship service.


WHEN Sundays

Let the people on our In-Touch list know that their church family loves them and is thinking about them by sending a short card. Usually you would send out 3-4 cards on a quarterly basis.

Memorial Coordinator

WHEN As Needed

Be the liason between families and our staff to help plan and arrange what is needed for a family's memorial service.

Visitation Ministry

WHEN Flexible

You can brighten the day of one of our members by stopping by to visit with them. Share what's happening at church or pray with them. guidance and training is available. You can arrange visits according to your schedule.

Host BYF (Baptist Youth Fellowship Meetings)

WHEN First Sundays

You are invited to serve as a host to our youth group for a Sunday BYF evening. This is a wonderful chance to support and connect our youth over food and fellowship.

Music Ministry

WHEN Sundays

Do you like to sing? Play an instrument? The choir and worship team are always open to adding in new people.