Frequently Asked Questions

  • What time are your services?

    We meet on Sundays in person for Sunday school for all ages at 9:00 am and Worship at 10:15 am in person and online. We Nursery Care available all morning.

  • Do you have services for kids and youth?

    Yes! Kids and youth are centered in our community. We have Nursery Care for our littles, classes for 4 yrs- 5th grade, Sunday School for our Middle and High School students and Youth group.

  • Where do I park?

    Our Parking lot is located on Cajon Street. There is plenty of spots, so come and join us!

  • How long do services typically last?

    Our worship services typically last for about an hour. We offer participatory, multi-generational music and prayer, followed up by an inspiring sermon. Don’t rush after the service - we have free coffee and treats on the patio so stick around! We’d love to meet you!

  • What should I wear?

    Come exactly as you are - don’t dress up or down for anyone.

  • Is your church accessible?

    We have made sure that our building is accessible for people of differing abilities. Our Sanctuary is on the ground level and easily accessable from the parking lot. We have an elevator and ramps that can take you from one floor to another, if need be. And for those who are hearing impaired, we have some hearing devices available. Just let an usher know. In addition to this, we are sensitive to food sensitivities and allergies. Our Children’s classrooms are nut-free and we offer gluten free and vegetarian options for most hosted meals. If something is missing, let us know how we can best accommodate your need.

  • What denomination is the church affiliated with?

    Our beliefs and denominational affiliations are all available in depth on our “About Us” page.

  • Can I watch services online if I can’t attend in person?

    Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live or watch it back here on our YouTube channel.

  • Can I talk to a pastor?

    If you have any other questions or simply want to talk to a pastor, we’re on the other end of this line and are eager to chat with you.