Who we are, what we believe, and why we’re passionate about building a community where everyone can grow in faith, love, and service.
The First Baptist Church of Redlands is a congregation of people who through our common desire to know God, share an uncommon unity with each other as people of varying ages, ethnicities, sexualities, gender identities, races, household compositions, political views and theological backgrounds and beliefs. Everyone is welcome to participate equally and fully in ministry, fellowship, worship, leadership, responsibilities, blessings and mission of our church to share the love of Jesus with our community. Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, as God’s beloved, you are worthy and welcome!
Colossians 3:15
And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body, you are called to live in peace. And be always thankful.
We believe that all people are created in the image of God for enjoying fully the goodness of life as they grow in love for God and neighbors near and far.
We believe that in Jesus, God draws close to us, extending to us forgiveness, hope, renewal, and guidance.
We believe that God's Holy Spirit is actively working in, though, among, and even in spite of us—transforming our lives and world.
We believe that the Bible speaks to us today, helping us understand our need for God and God's gracious coming to us in Christ.
The First Baptist Church is committed to sharpening the mind, widening the heart, and deepening the spirit as it invites people to connect, grow and serve together.
To share the love of God with our families, neighbors and friends and to be a vital force for divine goodness, truth, and mercy in our community and around the world. We seek to be grounded in Holy Scripture, renewed in worship, encouraged in fellowship, enriched in diversity, strengthened in unity, expressed in service, and fulfilled in Love.
On November 13, 1887, with thirteen members, The First Baptist Church of Redlands was organized. The rest, one could say, is history, but it is more than simply the chronology of events. Generations of men, women, and children have participated in and contributed to the growth and vitality of the church’s mission and ministry. This legacy not only encourages us to be good stewards of what we have received, but to see what we do today as the foundation on which future generations will build.
Since 1887, The First Baptist Church of Redlands has been a beacon of hope and renewal for people across the East Valley and beyond. Known through the years for our strong local ministries, First Baptist seeks to be a responsible partner with people all across the globe.
Over its history, FBCR has played a significant role in the establishment and continuation of many organizations and ministries that continue to make an impact in Redlands and beyond:
In recent years, we have been involved in tutoring young people in the community, dental team ministries in Nicaragua and Mexico, partnership with a church and school in La Conception, Nicaragua, providing the support and resources for 2 teachers in Bamaw, Myanmar to receive Master’s Degrees from the University of Redlands, and more. Through our Gregory Legacy Grants, we have made “dreams come true” for various groups locally, nationally, and internationally including:
Today, the church is committed to an embracing, holistic, global ministry where we invite and challenge people to grow in faith, hope, and love—discovering God's best in Christ. The First Baptist Church of Redlands blends the traditional and the contemporary. The deep roots of its tradition allow us to experiment with the new yet have a profound respect for the old with an openness of meeting today’s needs.
Ready to learn more about FBCR or get connected? We’d love to hear from you. Let’s walk this journey of faith together.